Giant panda

The giant panda is becoming extinct because they are gettubg caught by monster traps and deadly hunters in china are killing them for rugs and coats.Thier habbitat is being destroy. Forests are being cut down for wood, paper, homes, factories and other resources.Bambo plants are being cut down and the giant panda's canont eat them.


Humboldt Penguin

The Humboldt Penguin a.k.a pervian penguin is a south america penguin. It breeds in castal peru in chillie. Its nearest relitives are the african, the magellanic, and the gallapagos penguin. Humboldt Penguin are medium sized, growing to 65-70cm long and 4.7kg. They have a black head with a white border running from behind the eye and eventually joining at the throat. They have a blackish grey whitish underparts. Thesse penguins nest on islands, rocky coasts, burrowing holes in guano and sometimes using scrap and caves. These penguins status is vunerable, due to a diclining population caused partly over fishing. It was victim to the exploitation, it has declining numbers because of habitat destruction. Estimated population is only between 3300 and 12000